Bike Shelter | Shed


  • Addresses specific bike parking
  • Cost Effective Bicycle Storage
  • Constructed with standard materials
  • Made with heavy gauge steel
  • Pre-engineered bike shelters
  • Modular design

Achieve 360° is a proprietary, full-circle design and fabrication resource from Duo-Gard. We take a holistic approach to ensure that each client receives the highest level of service to create their vision. This approach showcases our unmatched ingenuity and flexibility. Think of Achieve 360° as a pathway to a real-time performance meter and project compass to meet your project goals.


  • Heavy gauge steel
  • Anchor – surface mounted
  • PE Stamps available in all of North America
  • Steel – 3-Coat Tnemec system including 2-part epoxy paint finish with zinc primer undercoat, or galvanized finish
  • Aluminum or steel tube framing (aluminum framing not available in all geographical locations due to loading)


  • Multiwall translucent polycarbonate
  • Corrugated steel roofing option in galvanized or painted
  • Opal, clear, bronze
  • Optional metal standing seam, gable style, and standard color offerings