Archive for September 2016
Duo-Gard’s Sleekline Canopy Welcomes Passengers to New Central Nebraska Airport
Flowing 310 miles across the state of Nebraska, the Platte River guided gold seekers, homesteaders, trappers and traders toward destinations west in the 1800s. Muddy, shallow and non-navigable, yet its banks marked the trail to adventure for many pioneers. Today, the river is set in stone in a terrazzo-tiled path that guides travelers to even…
Read MoreMSU’s Sophisticated New Scientific Facility Discovers Duo-Gard Bike Shelter
A glimpse of the future was available at Michigan State University on August 20, 2016. That’s when the public toured the university’s new Facility for Rare Isotope Beams – FRIB for short. The six-story, $730 million structure is a one-of-a-kind venture in unparalleled scientific sophistication and potential. It also includes a practical, everyday solution for…
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